Understanding the Tools used By Officers.

  • Body Camera

    Video recorded from body cameras can be used to help train new and existing officers in how to perform during difficult encounters.

    Body cameras are a great tool and have strong support from members of the public and offer transparency and accountability.

    This helps to “mend that frayed relationship between the police and the community,” according to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, JD.

  • Body Armor

    Firearms are one of the leading causes of deaths for law enforcement officers feloniously killed in the line of duty.

    While there is no such thing as a totally bulletproof vest, research has shown that armor vests do save lives.

    The risk of dying from a gunshot wound to the torso is 3.4 times higher for law enforcement officers who do not wear armor vests.

  • Duty Belts

    With the need to carry equipment comfortably and securely, duty belts have been designed to allow for large amounts of weight and multiple pieces of duty gear, ranging from firearms to handcuffs.

    According to the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), there are seven types of less-lethal devices: conducted energy devices like the Taser, directed energy devices, chemicals such as pepper spray, distractions including lights and noise, vehicle-stopping technologies, barriers, and blunt force devices.

    Less-lethal technologies give police an alternative to using other physical force options that potentially are more dangerous to officers and suspects.